CDS Old Girl Judging Success!

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On Friday 17 November Elizabeth competed at the 160th New Zealand Agricultural Show. The class that I competed in was the NZ Sheep Breeders Association- New Zealand Young Judges Championship, where I won the Meat and Wool Breeds Sheep Champion and the Canterbury A&P Association- Lady Isaac Scholarship.

The competition involved competitors judging 2 sheep breeds, Corriedale as the Wool Breed and Southdown as the Meat Breed. We had to place each individual sheep in order of preference, and give verbal presentation to the audience comparing and explaining why we placed the animals in the order that we did. Our placing was then compared with the breed judges placings. Points were allocated on our placing, speaking and presentation and a winner was decided.

The Lady Isaac Scholarship allows me to travel to an international show of my choice, with travel expenses covered, valid for a year.